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Next: Edge-Map Up: CIS4930 Final Report: Survey Previous: Rmap was developed by Shen et al of Tsing Hua University, Taiwan, and appeared on IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuit and Systems [11]. Unlike classical algorithms mis-pga or Chortle-crf, (but like recent ones like Rmap or [10]) performs three tasks in the process of FPGA CAD system, that is, decomposition, leveling, and mapping/placement. In the decomposition phase, the design is converted into the network of two-input primitive components. The leveling phase labels each primitive component with the length of the path. The third phase, combined process of mapping/placement works iteratively. During this phase, takes the position of CLB on which a portion of Boolean network is mapped, and the interconnection with CLB's already placed into consideration. To solve this problem, uses bipartite-matching algorithm [12]. The main advantage of algorithm is its delay minimization. was applied on 14 MCNC networks to compare its performance with mis-pga and chortle-crf ( half-perimeter model was used for delay measurement). In average, was 8.8% and 30.2% faster than mis-pga and chortle-crf. In terms of CLB count, showed very inferior results (more than twice number of CLB's) in 4 out of 14 circuits. However generally it was competitive with two classical algorithms.

Hitoshi Oi
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